🏆 Sports

Everything for sports: clothes, ammunition, equipment, food and gadgets

For those who cannot imagine their life without jogging, cold, mud, uneven and slippery surfaces under their feet will not be a hindrance. The only thing such people need is to choose shoes that are suitable for the season and conditions. The choice of shoes is worth ...
Nordic walking or Nordicwalking is becoming more and more popular all over the world. It first appeared in the 40s of the last century, when Norwegian skiers came up with this technique to keep fit in the summer. Its advantage is that it is suitable for ...
With the arrival of winter time and low temperatures, the question is always relevant, how to warm yourself, to protect your body from the cold. This question also arises before fans of active winter recreation and sports. This is where modern light industry comes to the rescue, which is already ...
Finding motivation to exercise is becoming more and more difficult. Reasons for refusing classes constantly appear, new events force plans to shift. A fitness bracelet is the best workout motivator. It will not only show the result of your "work", but will also remind ...
Today, living in time trouble is becoming the norm. In such conditions, it becomes more difficult to find time to visit the gym. Versatile home fitness equipment comes to the rescue. One of the leading positions in the list of simulators is a sports elastic band. This...

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